The strange sleep
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What can happen when you're tired. ;)
The umbrella guy
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A bit bad luck.
The bad vacuum cleaner
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It's not his fault. ;)
The yummy ice cream
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Someone's got to do it. ;)
The nice ring
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That was worth it. ;)
Running out of paint
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When you're kidding around. ;)
The important cheese
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Cheese is worth it. ;)
The lonely cinema
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Always check twice. ;)
The angry neighbor
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That's one way to see it. :D
The oldschool way of riding a bicycle
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Sometimes you have to do it. :D
The milk incident
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It's a bit amoosing. ;)
Putting a car in reverse
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That wasn't the best idea.
The lost powerbanks
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He's not alone with this. ;)
The cat man
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He is the one. ;)
Why you should always check twice
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Good thing to have that kind of support. :D